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Your B2B SaaS Marketing is Integrated, but is it Synchronized?

Integrated marketing is a very powerful demand generation strategy, but simply integrating your marketing, social media, website, etc. is no longer enough. 

If you want to succeed in today’s fast-paced, digital environment, you not only need to build on the success of your integrated marketing approach but also enhance it with “synchronized” marketing.

Integrate, synchronize and synergize your B2B SaaS marketing strategy with our eBook, which you can download here.

B2B SaaS Marketing in a Connected World

We live in an increasingly connected world. A world in which every marketing message can be used to link across multiple platforms. The connected nature of the modern corporate world means that the static integrated marketing model is no longer enough to guarantee success.

In many ways, integrated marketing has become just another buzzword. Many executives use the word without a clear understanding of what it means and how it should be used. 

A simple Google search reveals the extent of the integrated marketing hype. Google returns almost 10 million results – some of them offering questionable advice for business owners and marketing executives.

The fact that today’s marketing is applied across so many different platforms means that the traditional integrated marketing model is a bit dated. 

Thanks to the influence of social media and a 24/7 world, it is no longer possible for marketers to accurately predict where the conversation they start will ultimately end. The marketing messages they so carefully craft bounce their way across the Internet, landing on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and a host of other sites before finally coming to rest.

Craft your marketing messages and put them into play with the tips we share in our Webinar: How To Create A Marketing and Sales Engine + Keep it Running, which you can watch here

Integrated + Synchronized Marketing

It is into this world that the concept of synchronized marketing has emerged. 

Synchronized marketing takes the integrated marketing approach one step further, setting the brand free and allowing it to essentially “amplify” in a disciplined manner across all the sales and marketing channels to reach consumers through a multitude of different disciplines – from social media, advertising, and public relations to marketing, sales presentations, and even company literature. 

This synchronized approach allows marketers to reach the customer no matter where they are or what they are doing.

If you already understand the integrated marketing concept, synchronization simply takes it to the next level. One of the best ways to successfully synchronize your marketing is to always keep the dialogue going with your target audience.

Social media and the wider Internet can be used to your advantage. The conversation no longer ends when the sales call is over – it can continue on your Facebook page, LinkedIn, Twitter, and a myriad of other venues.

Modern companies want to connect with the brands they use. They are not content to be passive consumers – they want to feel that they are part of the conversation. Synchronized marketing allows you to continuously connect with your target audience and keep your brand at the forefront of their minds. 

The conversation you start on LinkedIn or Facebook can easily move to Twitter, even without additional input from your marketing department. If you craft your marketing message right, you could find yourself trending on Twitter as the target audience connect with your Facebook posts and share them with their friends.

The great thing about synchronized marketing is that it is not the exclusive province of the marketing department. Your employees can be a huge resource in your marketing strategy.

Smart companies have always realized how vital their employees are to the amplification of their message and their brand.  That realization has only grown with the birth of social media. Employees who are happy in their work and proud of the company they represent will be your best friends in the world of marketing.

Integrated marketing was and remains a powerful concept, but it is no longer enough by itself. Smart companies are looking beyond integration and synchronizing every part of their integrated marketing strategy.

At Leadit Marketing, we know that great marketing drives revenue. So we built an entire company around best-in-class demand generation programs and strategies to generate the highest quality leads for your company. For more information about how we can help you foster leads that last, contact us for a free 30-minute consultation.

Shannon Prager

Shannon Prager

Shannon Prager is a recognized B2B marketing strategist and the President of Leadit Marketing. At Leadit, she is responsible for partnerships, business development and the strategic direction of the company. A marketing leader with 25 years of B2B demand generation and marketing experience, she understands the importance of a fully developed integrated marketing strategy from marketing automation to end-to-end marketing operations. Follow her on LinkedIn (@ShannonPrager) for her take on the latest and greatest in B2B SaaS marketing.