Show your target market the love,
Demand generation marketing
leads to better leads
So you’ve tried a ton of marketing tactics, but still aren’t getting the traction you need? We feel your pain and are here to help. With a highly integrated demand generation strategy, you can connect better with your customers, increase your leads and really turn the volume up on brand loyalty and sales.
- Target Marketing
- Messaging and Value Proposition
- Content Marketing
- Sales and Marketing Alignment
- Integrated Marketing and Campaigns
Target Marketing
You must know your target to own your market.
DID YOU KNOW: Successful marketers are 242% more likely to perform buyer persona research once per quarter or more.
Target Marketing and Buyer Personas
Join Leadit Marketing’s President, Shannon Prager, discuss how you can reset your target marketing strategy in the wake of a crisis.
Messaging and Value Proposition
Great messaging gets to the heart of what really matters to your customers.
DID YOU KNOW: 45% of companies target specific value propositions for specific buyer personas.

Learn How to Create Connections With A B2B SaaS Messaging Strategy
Learn How to Create Connections With A B2B SaaS Messaging Strategy From sales emails, monthly newsletters, and gated webinars to social media posts, your B2B SaaS organization is sending messages to your target audience around the clock. But, are those messages resonating with your target audience? Ask yourself: When your target audience is scrolling through social media and reading your newsletters, are they receiving the same core message? Are the messages speaking to their core pains? Would your target audience classify your messaging as consistent? Chances are, if your marketing and sales teams are not working congruently, the messages your…
Messaging and Value Proposition: Right Message, Right Time Takes on a Whole New Meaning Now.
Join Leadit Marketing’s President, Shannon Prager, as she discusses value proposition, messaging and positioning. A clear, consistent customer-focused message can be the difference between a phenomenally successful marketing campaign and an utter waste of time and money. Your sweet spot mixed with your customer’s pains is where the truly valuable stories are.
Content Marketing
Customers respond when you hit them with content this is dead on.
DID YOU KNOW: 62% of B2B Tech marketers said that creating engaging content is their biggest marketing strategy challenge.

B2B SaaS Messaging: Stand Out From The Crowd
B2B SaaS Messaging: Stand Out From The Crowd Effective marketing is simple, consistent, compelling, and persuasive. The easiest way to make that happen is by developing a great messaging strategy for your B2B SaaS organization. An effective B2B SaaS messaging strategy outlines what your organization does and how it differs from the competition. A B2B messaging strategy should serve as the foundation of everything you write from elevator pitches to website copy as well as your marketing and sales materials - to ensure that your marketing efforts are cohesive and effective. (more…)
Content Marketing: Managing Your B2B Content Marketing Strategy During A Crisis
Join Leadit Marketing’s President, Shannon Prager, as she discusses the importance of content marketing. If 80%+ of the buying journey happens online, you better have a strong content strategy to help you sell.
Sales and Marketing Alignment
When sales and marketing are on the same team. Everyone wins.
DID YOU KNOW: 87% of sales and marketing leaders say collaboration between sales and marketing enables critical business growth.

Sales And Marketing Alignment: Breakdown Silos In Your B2B Tech Organization
Sales And Marketing Alignment: Breakdown Silos In Your B2B Tech Organization When was the last time your sales and marketing teams met for a meeting? More specifically, when did the two teams last work together on the same project? (more…)
Sales and Marketing Alignment: When Sales and Marketing are on the Same Team, Everyone Wins
Join Leadit Marketing’s President, Shannon Prager, as she tells us why your sales and marketing teams must be aligned. Did you know when marketing and sales are on the same team, tech companies grow revenue 35% times faster? No joke.
Integrated Marketing and Campaigns
Multi-channel your message and multiply the love. Integrate your way to greatness.
DID YOU KNOW: Integrated campaigns across more than four channels can outperform single or dual-channel campaigns by 300%.

B2B SaaS Marketing Maturity: What It Means, Why It Matters, and How to Achieve It
B2B SaaS Marketing Maturity: What It Means, Why It Matters, and How to Achieve It Did you know that SaaS companies invest 80-120% of their revenue in marketing and sales in their first five years of existence? If you’re investing all of your revenue into marketing, shouldn’t you know whether your messaging is having the impact it should? In our B2B SaaS Maturity model, we explore a powerful process for making your SaaS marketing efforts and demand generation strategies more proactive, connected, and intelligent when taking advantage of digital media and connecting with the audiences that matter most to your…
Get a Step-By-Step Guide to Integrated Marketing and Campaigns
Join Leadit Marketing’s President, Shannon Prager, as she shares the “secret sauce” to our company and how we can help you connect with your customers on multiple channels through integrated marketing.
Once we go to work together, we see ourselves as your strategic partner and trusted advisor. Of course, we’ll work towards distinct goals and deliverables, but as your company grows we often find ourselves in a role that is a seamless extension of your vision and your team.

Building a Recession-Proof Marketing Operation for your B2B SaaS
Building a Recession-Proof Marketing Operation for your B2B SaaS B2B SaaS companies, along with almost all tech companies, have been prepping for the inevitable - a recession in 2023. We’ve seen the effects of the predicted slow down with mass layoffs and companies tightening their proverbial belts to make sure they can weather the storm, however long it lasts. While cutbacks help, companies need to continue to generate leads, sales and revenue to stay afloat and remain relevant in their respective markets. So B2B SaaS companies are asking themselves the question - how do we do both? In a strong…

Exploring the Marketing Secrets Behind the Fastest Growing B2B SaaS Startups of 2023
Exploring the Marketing Secrets Behind the Fastest Growing B2B SaaS Startups of 2023 The B2B SaaS (Software as a Service) industry is one of the fastest growing sectors in the world, with a projected $157 billion market size by 2023. With the rise of cloud computing, more businesses and individuals are turning to SaaS solutions to increase their operational efficiency and reduce costs. Year after year we see new SaaS startups hit the market - some taking off and becoming household names, and others falling to the wayside never to be heard from again. As you look to grow your…

B2B SaaS Marketing Trends to Watch in 2023
B2B SaaS Marketing Trends to Watch in 2023 The only true constant in digital marketing for B2B SaaS companies is that it’s never constant. Marketing trends evolve as buyers and the way they consume content changes. Due to the nature of our day job at Leadit Marketing, we regularly evaluate the market to stay cutting edge on what is and isn’t working in demand generation for fast growing B2B SaaS companies. The nature of B2B SaaS companies is that they are typically market innovators and early adopters of new technologies, so positioning them ahead of the pack when it…
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