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What Is a Modern Marketer and What Are Their Traits?

By June 15, 2016July 11th, 2022No Comments

modern marketer

What Is a Modern Marketer and What Are Their Traits?

The marketing industry has evolved so much over the past 20 years. In many ways, the tasks, techniques, and skills of today’s marketers would be unrecognizable to the professionals of the past. My father was also in marketing and his eyes glaze over when I talk about some of the programs and tactics we manage today! With the extensive potential of digital techniques, the power of in-depth customer data, and the ever-evolving expectations of consumers, modern marketing is, to some extent, a completely new and different field.

The Goals and Values of Today’s Marketing Professionals

Modern marketing is all about creating measurable value. In order to achieve this, marketing professionals have to adopt and innovate in response to analysis and data crunching, and to customer feedback. It is a fluid process of planning, implementing, learning, and perfecting with the end goals of consistently providing exceptional personal experiences for buyers and customers.  Modern Marketers must focus on raising interest in a product or service, and delivering the right message exactly when it will have the most impact, via the most effective channel.  No small task!

Digital marketing offers marketers a vast array of techniques to target customers and to build relationships, from email marketing to social media engagement and content marketing. What the best in the marketers have learned, is that it is the quality and experience for the customer that matters the most. Modern marketers earn their way into a customers’ inbox. They research to consistently produce great content, and they place value on a high level of customer service and satisfaction at every step of the buying process, including after the sale.

Traits and Trends of Modern Marketers

Essentially, modern marketers are responsive and not reactive. They think about the customer experience and put heavy emphasis on the knowledge gained from both data analysis and customer and professional relationships.

  • They don’t just think outside of the box – they think what it would be like to be in the customer’s shoes. This ability helps today’s experts develop campaigns that customers will enjoy, appreciate, and want to be a part of.
  • They are skilled at subtle social media and email marketing usage.
  • They talk to customers, customer support, and to product engineers in order to get those gems of insight
  • They ensure that their marketing efforts are impactful and relevant.
  • They keep their finger on the pulse. A savvy professional knows their work doesn’t exist in a vacuum. Modern marketers read the news and are well-versed in what is going on in the world.

Modern marketing is a dynamic field that involves not only a high skill level, but also an openness and flexibility that constantly evolves and adopts truly effective strategies. Partner your company with an experienced marketing firm to help your team meet today’s complex modern marketing challenges.

Shannon Prager

Shannon Prager

Shannon Prager is a recognized B2B marketing strategist and the President of Leadit Marketing. At Leadit, she is responsible for partnerships, business development and the strategic direction of the company. A marketing leader with 25 years of B2B demand generation and marketing experience, she understands the importance of a fully developed integrated marketing strategy from marketing automation to end-to-end marketing operations. Follow her on LinkedIn (@ShannonPrager) for her take on the latest and greatest in B2B SaaS marketing.